Wednesday 7 September 2011

2011 09 06 Old School Hoby

Appointed to re-design the garden approach to the Old School in Hoby a popular building in the village originally built in 1871 as a single classroom.

When the school was converted in the 1990's a Gothic style porch/entrance hall was added. This building is poorly constructed and of no practical use. The new proposals will extend the kitchen into a new garden room.

Monday 5 September 2011

2011 09 04 Dower House Completion

Building work was completed to the Grade II Dower House at Highfield's before the Bank Holiday weekend on time and budget. The house, the former Dower House to Bunny Hall, has been renovated and includes six bedroom suites (some with kitchenettes) and visitor meeting rooms for the benefit of guests and those on retreat.  

Externally the house has new windows, guttering and downpipes, brick and stone repairs, pathways and drainage. Internally the services have been fully replaced and the plan re-ordered.