Wednesday 11 July 2012

12 07 11 STEM talk Longslade Colllege

As part of the STEM Ambassadors role we gave a talk at Longslade Community College about how to become an architect as part of the National Design and Technology Week 2012.

New Sixth Form facility at LCC
During the week STEM reached approximately 2000 students with 8 talks in Leicestershire.

The talk was attended by 40 to 50 students and staff and included...........
Being an architect is cool
Choice of A levels
Choice of School of Architecture
The process, 7 years to become qualified
What architects do during a day/week/month
Where to work?
A career in Architecure
What you might earn
Am ambition.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

12 07 04 The Langtons, Market Harborough

Confirmation of appointment to convert and improve the substantial rear extension to Orchard Cottage into new family accommodation and a super top-lit kitchen.

The proposals will also include conversion of the outbuldings and stables, the potential for a new driveway and  other alterations to the house.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

12 07 04 Langar Hall

Conversion and extension of the Lodge at Langar Hall.
Initially it was proposed to convert and extend the existing brick buildings but their condition is too poor to allow for their re-use. The proposed new extension is therefore conceived as a simple cedar clad box which will weather to a pale grey allowing the Lodge to be clearly read (particularly when repaired and re-painted orange).

Areas of glass have been added on the north and west private sides to make optimum use of the view across the fields and paddocks. The building has a vertical chimney element which will be built to match the stacks of the Lodge and provide some vertical to the otherwise horizontal form.
Importantly the roof will be a living herb and sedum roof. There are no windows to the south road elevation to provide protection from the road.
The extension is entirely private and will have its own entrance from a new path linking across the garden to the avenue. Only a small portion of the new building will be visible when viewing the Lodge from the front porch.

Monday 2 July 2012

12 07 03 Midland Cottages

We have been approached to help with the repairs and alterations to a cottage in Leicester built between 1871 and 1881 by the Midland Railway as a group for their engine drivers and station master. There is also a pub adjacent the cottages built as a hotel with stabling.

The cottages have been designated a Conservation Area after some were poorly altered and having been recognised as being of architectural merit as a group, with the hotel.

There is possibly only a single house in the row of 20 that hasn't been modified.