Monday 19 March 2012

2011 03 19 STEM Ambassador Loughborough Grammar

Friday was take your daughter to work day at KGGS and Esme duly did her stint with us.

First duty was to make the tea and then familiarise herself with the filing systems and how we keep our files up to date and properly ordered. A Client's Guide to Enploying an Architect is always a good place to learn what an architect can offer and why it's essential to appoint an architect on any building project, so this was quickly absorbed.

Next was a quick lesson in how to colour client's drawings and then issuing of drawings by email to the printers for print, fold and sort.

The rest of the morning/lunch/early afternoon was spent at Loughborough Grammar Schools as their career's department had organised a insight into a career as an architect.

Our presentation as part of the STEM Ambassador's talk included

Architecture as a cool career
Choice of A levels
Chosing a University carefully
The process of qualifying (7 years)
Where you might work
A day in the life of...
What you might earn
A developing and changing career.

To round off the day we visited our recently completed architectural projects in Zouch (new house) and Bunny (Convent).

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