Thursday 29 March 2012

2012 03 29 VAT on Listed Building Work

Following the budget last week and with particular reference to VAT and Listed Buildings, our tax advisor is telling us that:

The basic position is that all work carried out prior to 1 October will still benefit from zero rating, where applicable. Work carried out thereafter will be liable to VAT at 20%.
There are, however, a couple of variations/conditions:
Any work, for which the contract has been placed, prior to 21st March 2012, will still be zero rated up until 21 March 2013.

There will be anti-avoidance measures put in place, such that if someone invoices work in September (no VAT), but carries out the work after 1 October, HMRC will be able to charge 20% on that work. This would also apply if someone simply placed a deposit prior to October for work carried out afterwards.

Works unaffected that still qualify for the 5% VAT rate:
Empty for 2 years prior to work starting.
Converting a property from two dwellings into one, or vice versa. In fact any conversion resulting in a different number of dwellings. Best example was one where a staff flat, which was not needed, all repair/refurb work changed from 20% to 5% VAT.
-  Converting from commercial use to residential use.

We hope that this is of help but if you’d like any other information please feel free to contact us.

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